Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hello Everyone! Thank you for visiting our blog again! Is everyone enjoying the spring weather (finally)? I know we are! We have a spring clothing sale this week! All of the clothing in our store is 10% off all week! Our Item of the Week is on Tuesday this week! All toys will be 20% off on Tuesday only!

If you have baby gear that you want to consign, please check our Wish List below. We desperately need a Travel System, Jumperoos, Exersaucers, Walkers, Bassinets & Bumbo Seats. You do not need an appointment to bring in these items.

We have been selling our monogrammed totes like hot cakes! We now have monogrammed beach towels! See photo on the right! We have many colors & prints. Please come in & choose your color/print today! The pool opens in a few weeks. What better way to keep tabs on your towels at the pool!

WEBKINZ are coming to Funky Monkey! We should have them by the end of the week including the new SIGNATURE WEBKINZ! We will have both the Panda & the Chimpanzee along with the regular Webkinz Budgie, Zebra, Pink Pony, Jack Russell and more! We will also be carrying the Pillopopz from JackPopz- pillowcases that hold four of your child's favorite Webkinz or pets to sleep with!

Please join us (and come see us at our booth) at the CONCERT for the Cure this Saturday. There will be a children's concert & an adult concert as well as many vendors, silent auction (we have a basket valued at $110.00), raffles (50" FLAT SCREEN TV and many other items). Food vendors include Roly Poly Sandwiches, the Corner Butcher Shop & the Frosty Frog Cafe & Creamery. WE ARE NOW SELLING TICKETS (CASH PLEASE). Pre-Purchase your tickets & you WILL BE ENTERED INTO A DRAWING FOR A NINTENDO WII PACKAGE AND WILL ALSO GET A $1.00 DISCOUNT PER TICKET. THE CONCERT WILL is this SATURDAY, MAY 2ND AT HOBGOOD PARK. (ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE CONCERT FOR THE CURE & the 3 Day Walk)! Please bring your children & come enjoy this family day with us & help support THIS WORTHY CAUSE! REMEMBER THIS DISEASE AFFECTS SOMEONE'S MOTHER, SISTER OR DAUGHTER DAILY. THANK YOU!!!!!

We are still inventorying more great clothing every day so check in often! We have moved girls' sizes 10-16 to the back so that they aren't so crowded. We have also finally received and inventoried more summer maternity!

All winter clothing that were not picked up have been donated to the Cherokee Family Violence Center. Tax receipts can be picked up at the store.

The new birthday hats we added have become very popular very quickly. Please come in & check them out! We have added some very cute pacifier clips from Mud Pie (per your requests) and we already have a new supply of the diaper bags that you all have been letting us know you like so much plus we have added some great zebra and giraffe print handbags! See photos on the right! Please check out our excellent & large variety of gift items! We have also added some new monogrammed necklaces & bracelets from Ganz as well as some other new gift items!
We are accepting spring/summer appointments and I
believe our
next available appointment is May 6th!
We are getting to the end of accepting for summer
inventory so there are only a handful of appointments
left. Please call or email us with your
desired day of
the week & we will give you our first available date on
that day.
We take two appointments per day, Monday
through Friday and items can be dropped
off between
the hours of 11 am to 3 pm. If you schedule an
appointment, please
make sure you mark it on your
calendar & keep it! It can take a month for you

to get back on our schedule.
See our updated
consignment policies at the bottom of the page.

Please read them as a few things have changed.
We will no longer take items in
They must be laying as flat as possible in
bins or laundry baskets, clean
& pressed,
if necessary.

Thank you for supporting your local businesses and we look
forward to
seeing you at the Funky Monkey this week!

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